Welcome to Decathlon 2000!

One integral aspect of high-level decathlon is its world-class statistics. It's challenging to follow a decathlon without knowing the numbers, but we're experts in that regard:

Decathlon 2000 has become a reality thanks to all fans and friends who loves combined events.

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How about records, statistics? Lists of the best throwers, jumpers and runners in combined events! What’s the best result for the second day in decathlon or heptathlon? What’s the second best result for the first day or the tenth best? What’s the best average for ten best decathlons from one person. A list of this items? Decathlon 2000 provides this facts and so much more...

Yours faithfully,
Janek Salmistu

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Richard Crawford replied to a topic
Mar 06, 2022
Hi Lother and Gunther, Thanky you for reading and commenting on my article. I found it …
 Fairness of the Scoring Tables
Sonnemann,Gunther replied to a topic
Oct 03, 2021
ich kann da ein ähnliches Beispiel bringen. Bei der WM 2007 in Osaka gewann R. Sebrle vor dem …
 Fairness of the Scoring Tables
Lothar Wegner replied to a topic
Oct 01, 2021
Hi Richard ! Ein Sportkamerad hat mir Deine Ausarbeitungen gezeigt. Ich bin in einer …
 Fairness of the Scoring Tables
Richard Crawford started a topic
Mar 01, 2021
There are several topics already in this subforum (for example, see Gunther Sonnemann's 2018 …
 Fairness of the Scoring Tables
Richard Crawford started a topic
Feb 25, 2021
I began building databases of decathlon and heptathlon performances since 2002. I have applied …
Daniel Urien replied to a topic
June 25, 2020
Perhaps Willim Motti with 8550 points (31/05 ‐01/06 1990 [. . . ] was an exhibition, but not …
 8000+ solo decathlon
GOUSSET started a topic
June 16, 2020
French decathlete Axel Hubert (official best at 7820pt) just realized 8113pt in a solo decathlon at …
 8000+ solo decathlon
Janek Salmistu replied to a topic
May 14, 2020
Here you can find records and lists for each individual [...]
 Decathlon Records For Each Events
viktor replied to a topic
May 12, 2020
Кузнецов [...] 1962)
 1962 scoring tables
Decathlete2000 started a topic
May 09, 2020
What are the world records for each event in the decathlon? I know Ashton Eaton holds the 400m …
 Decathlon Records For Each Events