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2010: IAAF World Combined Events Challenge after Talence (0)

Sep 25, 2010

What do you think about IAAF World Combined Events Challenge after Talence, is it more of less fixed? A few parts of Challenge is upcoming like Open Oceania Championships (24-25 Sep, Cairns), 19th Commonwealth Games (06-07 Oct, Delh)i and Asian Games (22-23 Nov, Guangzhou).

The only athlete with a chance to move up to the top 3 in the standings is Maurice Smith, who is scheduled to compete in the Commonwealth Games. Jake Arnold presently holds 3rd place in the IAAF World Challenge, averaging 8209 for three decathlons.

For Smith to have a higher average, he would have to score 8285 in Delhi. That's 128 more points than he scored at Talence, and higher than he's scored in the last two years. However, he had a poor LJ and 400 last week - it's certainly possible for him to find a 128 point improvement in those two events alone.

IAAF World Combined Events Challenge 2010 standings

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