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Search results: Decathlon 2000

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Decathlon 2000 is looking for small donations to expand and keep running the website
Since 1999, Decathlon 2000 has been the priority internet source for comprehensive information of combined events
An open letter: 20th anniversary of Decathlon 2000
20 years Decathlon 2000... and who’s responsible for the joy it gave us? An open letter!
Decathlon 2000 recommends: Coaching Book by Harry Marra
Stories From the Passenger Seat: Lessons Learned From a Lifetime of Coaching by Harry Marra
TOP 20 for Decathlon total score ranking by category
Zach Ziemek reached amazing new world best for total points of jumping events
Women’s World Decathlon Championships 2024
August 3-4, 2024 - Geneva, Ohio, Spire Institute
All-time Decathlon ranking by category
Here's a compilation for Decathlon total score ranking by each category such as running, jumping and throwing events. It would cover for the last 60 years and target for whole results without any restriction, therefore it includes marks which …
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1-20 / 547

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