Decathlon 2000 › Search results: juniors

Search results: juniors

Nathaniel Mechler - 3rd at the Pan American Juniors
Nathaniel sent me an e-mail and here is his message to all readers of Decathlon 2000.
Heptathlon World Junior all-time list - 7.26kg;107cm
Shot put 7.26kg; 60m hurdles 107cm
Heptathlon World Junior all-time list - 6.0kg;99cm
Shot put 6.0kg; 60m hurdles 99cm
History of Bulgarian Decathletes - part one
The traditions of Bulgarian decathlon stars during XX century were longlive and deserved some respect and good memories...
The flow of time: Christian Schenk
Christian Schenk's personal best was 8500 points, achieved in August 1993 in Stuttgart.