Decathlon 2000 › Search results: real

Search results: real

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Pentathlon: memories from Montreal Olympic Games
Equal Pentathlon scores, but not equal spot on the podium
Real records!?
Bruce Jenner
Bruce Jenner won an Olympic gold medal at the Montreal Olympic Games (1976).
Bryan Clay: World's Greatest Athlete?
If Honolulu's Bryan Clay had all his personal-best marks in the same meet, he would break the world decathlon scoring record.
Nathaniel Mechler - 3rd at the Pan American Juniors
Nathaniel sent me an e-mail and here is his message to all readers of Decathlon 2000.
Michael Smith
Michael Smith has won silver medal at the World Championships in Tokyo 1991 and bronze medal at World Championships in Göteborg 1995.
Guido Kratschmer
Guido Kratschmer won an Olympic silver medal at the Montreal Olympic Games (1976).
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