Decathlon 2000 › Articles by countries

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ALG (1) ARG (1) AUS (13) AUT (66) BAH (1) BEL (8) BLR (8) BRA (7) CAN (24) CHI (2) CHN (15) COL (2) CRO (1) CUB (4) CZE (28) DEN (1) DOM (1) ESP (17) EST (116) FIN (18) FRA (81) GBR (23) GER (85) GRE (8) GRN (4) HUN (12) IND (2) ISL (1) ISR (1) ITA (16) JAM (4) JPN (13) KAZ (6) KEN (1) KOR (5) LAT (2) LTU (3) MAS (1) MEX (3) NED (22) NOR (7) NZL (5) PER (2) POL (20) POR (2) PUR (2) QAT (2) ROM (1) RSA (1) RUS (13) SCO (4) SLO (1) SRB (7) SUI (7) SWE (18) THA (1) TPE (2) TUR (3) UKR (7) URS (3) USA (103) UZB (2) YUG (2)


6th European Cup of Combined Events – Sofia 1983
In first “straight” final – the favorites got what deserved
May 14, 2020
Bulgarian decathlon all-time list
Bulgarian decathlon had glory days, glory persons. But good traditions were lost somewhere in the past. Who knows – maybe some day a new prodigy will be born to revive the well forgotten.
June 15, 2009
Heptathlon at 6th European Cup of Combined Events - Sofia 1983
Excellent GDR athletes, thrilling battle for second spot
May 26, 2020
History of Bulgarian Decathletes - part one
The traditions of Bulgarian decathlon stars during XX century were longlive and deserved some respect and good memories...
Dec 06, 2015
Pentathlon: memories from Universiade in Sofia almost 50 years ago
Thriling contest with surprise winner
Apr 18, 2024
The chronicles of Bulgarian women’s multiple events
The historic facts & figures surrounding Bulgarian female “all ‐round” athletes are more heroic, rememberable and important that those of Bulgarian men. They left significant trace into European and world track & field annals and can be …
Jan 12, 2016