Decathlon 2000 › Articles by countries

Articles by countries

ALG (1) ARG (1) AUS (13) AUT (66) BAH (1) BEL (8) BLR (8) BRA (7) BUL (11) CAN (24) CHI (2) CHN (15) COL (2) CRO (1) CUB (4) DEN (1) DOM (1) ESP (17) EST (116) FIN (18) FRA (81) GBR (23) GER (85) GRE (8) GRN (4) HUN (12) IND (2) ISL (1) ISR (1) ITA (16) JAM (4) JPN (13) KAZ (6) KEN (1) KOR (5) LAT (2) LTU (3) MAS (1) MEX (3) NED (22) NOR (7) NZL (5) PER (2) POL (20) POR (2) PUR (2) QAT (2) ROM (1) RSA (1) RUS (13) SCO (4) SLO (1) SRB (7) SUI (7) SWE (18) THA (1) TPE (2) TUR (3) UKR (7) URS (3) USA (103) UZB (2) YUG (2)


Adam Sebastian Helcelet
Apr 28, 2024
European Championships Prague 2015
33rd European Athletics Indoor Championships
Mar 08, 2015
Jiri Ryba
Apr 12, 2024
Jiri Sykora
Jiri Sýkora made history by becoming the first Czech male athlete to win gold medal in the history of the World Junior Championships.
Apr 12, 2024
Kladno 2007
Sep 09, 2010
Kladno 2008
Sep 07, 2010
Kladno 2009
Sep 06, 2010
Kladno 2010
Sep 02, 2010
Kladno 2011
June 30, 2012
Kladno 2012
June 30, 2012
Kladno 2013
Aug 23, 2013
Kladno 2014
Aug 18, 2015
Kladno 2015
Aug 20, 2015
Kladno 2016
June 15, 2016
Kladno 2017
Aug 24, 2017
Kladno 2018
Aug 25, 2018
Robert Zmelik
Robert Zmelik won an Olympic gold medal at the Barcelona Olympic Games (1992).
Apr 03, 2024
Roman Šebrle
Roman Šebrle became the first decathlete ever to achieve over 9000 points, setting the World Record at 9026 points (Götzis 2001), succeeding his compatriot, Tomaš Dvorak, who had scored 8994 points two years earlier (Prague 1999).
Apr 09, 2024
Tomaš Dvorak
Tomaš Dvorak is triple Decathlon World Champion (1997, 1999, 2001) and a former World Record holder (8994 points scored in Prague 1999).
Apr 08, 2024
U23 European Championships Ostrava 2011
The 8th European Athletics U23 Championships were held in Ostrava, Czech Republic (2011)
Aug 21, 2015