Decathlon 2000 › Articles by countries

Articles by countries

ALG (1) ARG (1) AUS (13) AUT (66) BAH (1) BEL (8) BLR (8) BRA (7) BUL (11) CAN (24) CHI (2) CHN (15) COL (2) CRO (1) CUB (4) CZE (28) DEN (1) DOM (1) ESP (17) EST (116) FIN (18) FRA (81) GBR (23) GER (85) GRE (8) GRN (4) HUN (12) IND (2) ISL (1) ISR (1) ITA (16) JAM (4) JPN (13) KAZ (6) KEN (1) KOR (5) LTU (3) MAS (1) MEX (3) NED (22) NOR (7) NZL (5) PER (2) POL (20) POR (2) PUR (2) QAT (2) ROM (1) RSA (1) RUS (13) SCO (4) SLO (1) SRB (7) SUI (7) SWE (18) THA (1) TPE (2) TUR (3) UKR (7) URS (3) USA (103) UZB (2) YUG (2)


Latvian decathlon all-time list
Edgars Erinš set a new Latvian record while he improved 8312 points. Latvian previous record belonged to Janis Karlivans with 8271 points (Götzis 2007).
Aug 16, 2021
U20 European Championships Riga 1999
15th edition of the biennial European U20 Athletics Championships
June 04, 2006