Decathlon 2000 › Articles by countries

Articles by countries

ALG (1) ARG (1) AUS (13) AUT (66) BAH (1) BEL (8) BLR (8) BRA (7) BUL (11) CAN (24) CHI (2) CHN (15) COL (2) CRO (1) CUB (4) CZE (28) DEN (1) DOM (1) ESP (17) EST (116) FIN (18) FRA (81) GBR (23) GER (85) GRE (8) GRN (4) HUN (12) IND (2) ISL (1) ISR (1) ITA (16) JAM (4) JPN (13) KAZ (6) KEN (1) KOR (5) LAT (2) LTU (3) MAS (1) MEX (3) NOR (7) NZL (5) PER (2) POL (20) POR (2) PUR (2) QAT (2) ROM (1) RSA (1) RUS (13) SCO (4) SLO (1) SRB (7) SUI (7) SWE (18) THA (1) TPE (2) TUR (3) UKR (7) URS (3) USA (103) UZB (2) YUG (2)


Chiel Warners
Apr 11, 2024
Eelco Sintnicolaas
Eelco Sintnicolaas won gold medal with a new personal best and national record score of 6372 at the World Indoor Championhips in Göteborg 2013.
Apr 02, 2024
Eugene Martineau
Apr 12, 2024
European Championships Apeldoorn 2025
38th European Athletics Indoor Championships
Mar 08, 2025
Ingmar Vos
Apr 12, 2024
Pieter Braun
Apr 13, 2024
Rik Taam
Aug 04, 2024
Robert de Wit
Apr 13, 2024
Sven Roosen
Sep 15, 2024
U20 European Championships Hengelo 2007
19th edition of the biennial European U20 Athletics Championships
July 29, 2007
U20 European Championships Utrecht 1981
6th edition of the biennial European U20 Athletics Championships
Apr 27, 2024
U23 European Championships Amsterdam 2001
The 3rd European Athletics U23 Championships were held in Amsterdam, Netherlands (2001)
June 04, 2006