Decathlon 2000 › Search results: Ashton Eaton

Search results: Ashton Eaton

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121-132 / 132
TOP 20 for Decathlon total score ranking by category
Zach Ziemek reached amazing new world best for total points of jumping events
Decathlon 2000 recommends: Coaching Book by Harry Marra
Stories From the Passenger Seat: Lessons Learned From a Lifetime of Coaching by Harry Marra
Current WR in each event compared to the best decathlon record in each event (>7000 points)
List of current World Record in each event compared to the best decathlon record in each event
The magnetic Roman Seberle – at 50!
The first man over 9000 points in history - with an anniversary
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 
121-132 / 132