Decathlon 2000 › Search results: Olympic gold

Search results: Olympic gold

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Munich Olympic’72 Pentathlon – thrilling story with unexpected end
One of the most exciting and unpredicted event of athletic program of XX Olympic Games in Munich 1972 was the women’s Pentathlon. The people of the host country – West Germany – were keen to see the second victory of their local hero …
Pentathlon: memories from Montreal Olympic Games
Equal Pentathlon scores, but not equal spot on the podium
40 years ago: Heptathlon at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles
Almost 40 years ago in Los Angeles (during XXIII Olympiade) only five points appeared to be the difference between Gold and Silver medalists at women’s Heptathlon…..
Bryan Clay: World's Greatest Athlete?
If Honolulu's Bryan Clay had all his personal-best marks in the same meet, he would break the world decathlon scoring record.
Bruce Jenner
Bruce Jenner won an Olympic gold medal at the Montreal Olympic Games (1976).
Christian Schenk
Christian Schenk was not sure he was the World`s Greatest Athlete after winning the Olympic gold medal in the decathlon (Seoul 1988).
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