Decathlon 2000 › Search results: Rio

Search results: Rio

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101-120 / 157
Roman Šebrle: World’s Greatest Decathlete - Ever
How many ways can we say, “ Roman Šebrle of the Czech Republic is the world’s greatest performer ever in the century ‐old tradition of the decathlon? I can think of at least five: Šebrle’s uniqueness, longevity, consistency, …
Nicklas Wiberg
With his 8406 points in 2009 World Championships Nicklas Wiberg surpassed Henrik Dagard's 15 years old national record by 3 points. Until age 17 had middle distance running as his priority. With strength in the Javelin and the 1500m surprised …
6th European Cup of Combined Events – Sofia 1983
In first “straight” final – the favorites got what deserved
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101-120 / 157