Decathlon 2000 › Search results: Sydney 2000

Search results: Sydney 2000

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Henrik Dagård
Henrik Dagård won silver medal at the European Championships in Helsinki 1994.
Ashley Moloney
Ashley Moloney won an Olympic bronze medal at the Tokyo Olympic Games (2021). He is the Australian decathlon record holder.
Erki Nool
In 1997, Estonian sports enthusiasts founded the Erki Nool Fan Club, and about 200 members of this group accompany him to the various international competitions in which he participates. Erki won an Olympic gold medal at the Sydney Olympic Games …
Decathlon best performers 1st day >4450 points
4450+ club of the 1st day decathlon
Olympic Games decathlon records and champions of all-time
World's Greatest Athlete - this title is traditionally given to the Olympic decathlon champion
Roman Šebrle: World’s Greatest Decathlete - Ever
How many ways can we say, “ Roman Šebrle of the Czech Republic is the world’s greatest performer ever in the century ‐old tradition of the decathlon? I can think of at least five: Šebrle’s uniqueness, longevity, consistency, …
Cedric Dubler
Cedric Dubler is Australia’s most prolific decathlete with the most scores over 8000
Dan Golubovic
USA until 02 February 2020 – eligible to represent Australia in National Representative Competitions (see World Athletics Eligibility to Represent a Member Rule 1.4.2) from 31 July 2020
The magnetic Roman Seberle – at 50!
The first man over 9000 points in history - with an anniversary
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