Decathlon 2000 › Search results: TOP 20

Search results: TOP 20

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TOP 20 for Decathlon total score ranking by category
Zach Ziemek reached amazing new world best for total points of jumping events
Top 20 per group of events >7000
Decathlon total top 20 score ranking by running, jumping and throwing category.
Top 20 per groups of events
Heptathlon total score top 20 ranking by running and jumping category.
U20 European Championships Eskilstuna 2015
23rd edition of the biennial European U20 Athletics Championships
Götzis 2015: Saturday morning
Damian Warner: ready to break the Canadian record from Michael Smith?
Götzis 2016: Second edition of the Canadian Games!
Damian Warner wins with 8523 points and my prognosis for the top three was a good one. Brianne Theisen-Eaton won the heptathlon, so this was a second edition of the Canadian Games!
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1-20 / 392

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