Decathlon 2000 › Search results: Talence 2017

Search results: Talence 2017

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Talence 2017
Decathlon best performers 1st day >4450 points
4450+ club of the 1st day decathlon
Decathlon best performers 2nd day >4200 points
4200+ club of the 2nd day decathlon
Decathlon season's best
Decathlon season's best score by year
Eelco Sintnicolaas
Eelco Sintnicolaas won gold medal with a new personal best and national record score of 6372 at the World Indoor Championhips in Göteborg 2013.
Leonel Suarez
Leonel Suarez won an Olympic bronze medal twice: at the Beijing Olympic Games (2008) and at the London Olympic Games (2012). He holds Cuban national record for the decathlon with 8654 points.
Olexiy Kasyanov
Olexiy Kasyanov’s personal best score is 8479 points, achieved at the World Championships in Berlin 2009.
Damian Warner
Damian Warner is the Canadian decathlon record holder. He was the 4th decathlete to break the 9000-point barrier. He won an Olympic gold medal at the Tokyo Olympic Games (2021).
Kevin Mayer
Kevin Mayer set a new world record in the decathlon with 9126 points at the Decastar meeting on September 2018. He was the 3rd decathlete ever to break the 9000-point barrier.
Kai Kazmirek
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