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Search results: decathlon 2000

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Decathlon 2000 is looking for small donations to expand and keep running the website
Since 1999, Decathlon 2000 has been the priority internet source for comprehensive information of combined events
An open letter: 20th anniversary of Decathlon 2000
20 years Decathlon 2000... and who’s responsible for the joy it gave us? An open letter!
Decathlon 2000 recommends: Coaching Book by Harry Marra
Stories From the Passenger Seat: Lessons Learned From a Lifetime of Coaching by Harry Marra
Let's celebrate the 25th anniversary of Decathlon 2000!
Since 1999, Decathlon 2000 has been your faithful companion in the world of decathlon.
Portrait of decathlon's events
The decathlon is one of the most grueling competitions in all of sport. It consists of 10 events, negotiated over 2 days. Points are awarded based on the order of finish as well as the distance, height or time achieved in each event. Final …
World decathlon competitions & rankings 2024
Detailed decathlon’s competition lists of current season
The known and unknown story of pentathlon and decathlon through the centuries
Complete men (in French : Des hommes complets), a book by Frédéric Gousset (2014)
100 years of archive! World decathlon competitions and rankings 1924-2023
This is a very useful tool for anyone who is interested to know what happened in decathlon within 100 years!
Jon Arnar Magnusson
Jon Arnar Magnusson is the Icelandic record holder at 100m, 200m, 110m hurdles, long jump and decathlon. He has won silver and bronze medals at World Indoor Championships.
History of Bulgarian Decathletes - part one
The traditions of Bulgarian decathlon stars during XX century were longlive and deserved some respect and good memories...
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