Decathlon 2000 › Search results: group

Search results: group

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1-20 / 47
Top 20 per group of events >7000
Decathlon total top 20 score ranking by running, jumping and throwing category.
Top 20 per groups of events
Heptathlon total score top 20 ranking by running and jumping category.
All-time Decathlon ranking by category
Decathlon total score ranking by each category
Erki Nool
In 1997, Estonian sports enthusiasts founded the Erki Nool Fan Club, and about 200 members of this group accompany him to the various international competitions in which he participates. Erki won an Olympic gold medal at the Sydney Olympic Games …
The chronicles of Bulgarian women’s multiple events
The historic facts & figures surrounding Bulgarian female “all ‐round” athletes are more heroic, rememberable and important that those of Bulgarian men. They left significant trace into European and world track & field annals and can be …
Decathlon rules
Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 (took place in 2021)
Canada’s Damian Warner has joined an elite group of men with 9000+ points in the decathlon. His mark of 9018 points becomes an Olympic record.
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