Decathlon 2000 › Search results: results

Search results: results

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81-100 / 862
Total 10 best decathlons
Ten best decathlons in whole career
All-time Decathlon ranking by category
Decathlon total score ranking by each category
This is how you successfully find reconversion after your sports career
A little summary and interview how to find reversal after your sports career. Alexandre Folacci talks about his experience and gives recommendations.
History of Bulgarian Decathletes - part one
The traditions of Bulgarian decathlon stars during XX century were longlive and deserved some respect and good memories...
The chronicles of Bulgarian women’s multiple events
The historic facts & figures surrounding Bulgarian female “all ‐round” athletes are more heroic, rememberable and important that those of Bulgarian men. They left significant trace into European and world track & field annals and can be …
Let it snow, the Canadian winter-games in Götzis 2013
Damian Warner, the decathlete who surprised the World by coming from nowhere to finish 5th at the London Olympics (2012).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 44
81-100 / 862