Estonia has a deserved image of an e-country, but only a few know that one of the first to conquer the world in this field was Decathlon 2000! Being the best in your field is a very inspiring goal. Even small things can be big if you have knowledge and enthusiasm - Raul Rebane, communication consultant
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I recommend every decathlon enthusiast to start satisfying their curiosity and thirst for knowledge right here. As a journalist, I highly appreciate the versatility, promptness and reliability of information, which makes Decathlon 2000 stand out - Helar Osila, sports journalist
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Keep at it! I would have a lot of trouble keeping up with the event without your help - Richard Crawford
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Always enjoy this site. Real labour of love that's much appreciated - Sean Steele
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Only thing we know how to do..FIGHT! That’s what this decathlon has been for me the whole time, but I wouldn’t have it any other way - Garrett Scantling at the Tokyo Olympics
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I tell myself how important and pivotal this moment is, trying to get as much nervous energy as possible, if I feel nervous I know I’m ready compete! - Lewis Church, UK decathlete
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Once you’re doing decathlon, you don’t want to do anything else - Niklas Kaul
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Decathlon 2000 has pretty much everything you could want to know about decathlon. Whenever I go to a decathlon, you can be sure that I’ve got a sheaf of Decathlon 2000 athlete profiles printed, tabbed, and highlighted in my notebook - Gabby Pieraccini
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We all may start out as strangers, but at the end of the day, we are just one big family! - Austin Bahner
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Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday's success or put its failures behind and start the process again - Ben Gregory
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Don’t have nine good events and end up losing out on a PR or a medal because of a slow 1500! - Robert Fournier
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Decathlon is not just an athletic discipline, it's a way of life - Adam Sebastian Helcelet
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This is a great site! Especially I'm surprised of your operative work in presenting results during the season! Keep going this way! - Sergey Oleynick
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As a former 1970s/80s decathlete (seems like a lifetime ago) it's wonderful to see a site dedicated to this greatest of events - Sean Steele
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Just thought I would tell you that I liked the site, it is so great to find so many people interested in the decathlon - Ryan Harlan
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I want to thank the publisher of this site very much, because I wrote my final work for school about "A critical view of decathlon" and Decathlon 2000 is the most important homepage about this topic. I am a decathlete myself and wish everybody much fun with this topic - Uli Röhrl
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I've never seen page like this before... You guys have made a major favor to many friends of decathlon around the globe - Stig Töfting
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I wish that in the nearest future everybody will know about decathlon and the meaning of the event of decathlon... decathletes are like our greek gods - Petros Kyprianou
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Decathlon 2000 always used to be a huge inspiration and now I’m glad to be a part of the team here! It gives me an opportunity to discuss and write about the decathlon and to meet people with the same interests - Jessica Bullenkamp
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The Decathlon's nice in that you get to know the other athletes. It's almost like everyone helps each other out. We're all out there trying to win, but at the same time there's a friendship there too. It's always fun going to meets and catching up with the other guys - Tom Pappas
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The new Decathlon 2000 website is just amazing. I visit it every day, just for the fun and I find every day new informations. Simply the best website devotes to decathlon fans as I am - Daniel Urien
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Decathlon 2000 is the premier website for our favorite event... we all have the responsibility to promote this challenging event and elevate its value among the track and field fans - Petros Kyprianou
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I don't think anyone chooses the decathlon as much as it chooses you - Bryan Clay
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As a decathlon coach I will do my best in providing my "two cents" for the development of decathlon and help the elite ones excel - Petros Kyprianou
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Olen olnud aastaid Decathlon 2000 kasutaja ja arvan, et ei möödu nädalatki, kui vajan ja kasutan mahukat andmebaasi, millisena sellelt lehelt kättesaadav info on absoluutselt maailmatasemel - Erich Teigamägi
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