Decathlon 2000 › Kasutajad › tcorc33


User since:Nov 13, 2010
Last visit:May 22, 2024
Just a decathlon fan. Not a decathlete. Love the Olympics and fell in love with the decathlon watching Bruce Jenner. Now love all of the athletes, American and World.
Forum posts
Topic: Russ Hodge
Posted: Dec 06, 2010
In what meet did Russ Hodge score 18.56 in the shot put? And why is it not recognized as the 2nd greatest score for a decathlete? His 17.47 is considered his top throw. Just curious...
Topic: Comparing decathletes of different eras
Posted: Nov 25, 2010
What is the best way to compare the decathletes from different eras? At what percentage do the scores increase per decade? i.e. What do you think Rafer Johnson or Mathias would be scoring today if they had today's training, nutrition & equipment?

Just wondering who is the American air apparent to Eaton?? Do you think it's one of these guys from 2019 US Championship? Well, if the Olympics goes of hopefully we'll find out.
Congrats Ashton, I watched you all the way online and saw everything live. I set my alarm for 4am to watch you streaming live and it was well worth it. You make it look easy and we all know it's not. Trey looked great too. Wish Clay was there for the clean sweep. American dominance, I love it. Good luck in Talence.
Blog: Phil Vassallo
tom wrote on Aug 11, 2011
I echo Legends, leaders. lookouts in the above blog. thank you thank you thank you. i hit it everyday regardless of it being an Olympic year or not. i have been attempting to update my favorite childhood game "The Decathlon" with the 50 greatest decathletes. i enjoy all the research and this site obviously is home base for the project. keep up the great work Janek.