Decathlon 2000 › Kasutajad › J Daniel Goedicke

J Daniel Goedicke

User since:Aug 31, 2006
Last visit:June 10, 2024
Decathlete (retired 2004 after nationals) PB 8036 (2001)
Single PB's (10.76w, 7.64, 15.12, 2.09, 49.91, 14.34, 44.26, 5.12, 63.60, 4:37.50)
and Heptathlon PB 5855 (2000)
Indoor PB's (7.15, 7.42, 14.63, 2.05, 8.17, 5.10, 2:46.61)
University degree in medicine
Forum posts
Re: Rest between decathlons
Posted: June 07, 2007
HI Ben

actually 2 dec in 2 weeks is quite hard, though if you are in a good constitution and feel well there is no problem, but you can't go on like that fo a long time. Actually my maximum was 6 decs in a season with nationals, decastar (talence) and a one-hour-dec in 3 weeks performing quite well. the main problem between decs is to train, stay relaxed bu not lose your tension. Quite difficult to achieve and very variable even in the same athlete. Sometimes I felt exhausted for 2 days and could have made the next decathlon and sometimes I felt I would never do one anymore again.(well actually after my last it was truly the case ) But I would consider that 3-4 weeks is a good time between decathlons with only a little but intensive training to stay fast and in shape.

best wishes and health

J. D. (Deca) Goedicke
Re: A Disturbing Trend...
Posted: Apr 24, 2007
Hey everybody

really a nasty problem you found there. definitely. And shows how much time we all spend(t) on the track, so we only find such facts if we're injured*gg hopefully you recover soon.

As by he facts, wellI guess it

s a big problem not only in multi-events but in track and field in general. When I started doing athletics, which wa sat the age of three and had my first competition at the age of five, you had to wait about an hour to be on deck next attempt for the long jump, when I finished my career, it was rather a question if you put you long pants back on or leave it because it would take too much time to put it off again for the next attempt in order to stay in time for the attempt clock.

But if you really want to see where it leads to, have a look to Israel, we happened to be in training camp there once and when we were there, national championships took place so we participated, funny thing because there were about 2 other athletes from Israel, and if we wouldn't have been there the nationals would have been blown off for the at-least-three-guys-rule. well actually the winner in the end scored 7000 points with a new national record...

but maybe it's just that were it leads to. mtv, playstation and whatever it is, may be reasons, lack of money and respect as well. remember Chris Huffins, when her returned from the Olympics 2000 where he was third place, a small article( well article would be exaggerated) was in the paper which said like: chriss huffins, assistant coach from wake forest was third in the olympics. It wasn't even mentioned in which sport it was. who would blame any young guy looking and craving for movement to choose something else than athletics? I loved that sport and I still do, just for the pain of it) any body doing it knos waht i mean, just the feeling to be as exhausted as not being able to get up and go back home after work out

heroes we are? or maybe gods of the stadium as we are told in Talence, but well even gods die, when there

s no one left to believe in them.

So we'll see what time brings.

Good luck to any of us
Re: Competitions
Posted: Mar 06, 2007
Hey there

you may try to enter some minor meetings in Germany as well as there will be for example in Ratingen 16.6/17.6.07 or maybe you could tryand enter in Arles/F 2.6./3.6.07 or Desenzano/I 5.5./6.5.07 weather is normally very good at these sites though Ratingen usually has a limit, but it's worth trying I think.Another possibility would be to enter the Jugend-Mehrkampf-Cup which will take place in Bernhausen. an excellent site in Germany near Stuttgart on 19.05/20.05.07 where they normally have an actives group to compete as well.

For contact see below if you wish to try and entere that last mentioned German meeting.

Manfred Mamontow


Tel. 49 61 51 / 77 08-47

Best wishes and good luck

J. Daniel Goedicke

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