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Phil Vassallo

User since:Jan 28, 2010
Last visit:June 23, 2024
Forum postsTotal 10 posts found, here are 3 latest posts:
Re: Ashton Eaton PR's and possible WR
Posted: Aug 18, 2011
Eaton will need it all: consistency in the running and throwing events, improvement in throwing events, especially the javelin, and the a blazing 1,500. And he's capable of achieving all--right now.
Re: Redefining the decathlon scoring method
Posted: May 22, 2010
Christoph, here's the answer to your question, using the 100% = world record system:


Decathlete 1: 10.50 (904)

Decathlete 2: 10.99 (853) - 51 points behind


Decathlete 1: 7.35 (821), 1,725 points

Decathlete 2: 7.80 (872), 1,725 points - tie


Decathlete 1: 15.33 (663), 2,388 points

Deacthlete 2: 14.17 (613), 2,338 points - 50 points behind


Decathlete 1: 1.96 (800), 3,188 points

Decathlete 2: 2.08 (850), 3,188 points - tie

Again, how cool is it that we know both decathletes are performing at a cumulative level of 79.7% of the world records?
Re: Redefining the decathlon scoring method
Posted: May 20, 2010
Scott, I covered this point in a 2001 article I wrote for Decathlon2000. While my favorite all-time decathlete is Sebrle because of his quality, endurance, and consistency, he would not be the world record holder (8022) using my suggestion. Neither would Dvorak (8029) or O'Brien (8022) or Thompson (8038). Since electronic, to-the-hundredth-second scoring, I believe it would be one of my least favorite decathletes: Jenner (8171). If you include the hand-timed performers, Thorpe would be number 1 (8642). Of course, my math and the data is subject to correction. Now people are really going to get annoyed with me.

As to the Twain quote, I could not agree with you more. Alex Rodriguez has nearly 600 home runs but has only 1 World Series championship, Dan Marino has more than 400 touchdown passes with one Super Bowl ring, and John Stockton is the career assists leader and never won an NBA basketball championship. Teams with superstars possessing the heftiest stats often do not win the big one. But, statistics are damn lies that we all love telling, right? I for one, love the lie. I just like my lie better than the IAAF's.

CommentsTotal 17 comments found, here are 3 latest:
Blog: Phil Vassallo
Phil Vassallo wrote on Mar 13, 2014
Is anyone but me wondering why Ashton Eaton, who is arguably the most talented decathlete in history, is walking away from the multievents discipline for an entire outdoor season at the peak of his career? Why isn't he interested in raising the profile of the IAAF Combined Events Challenge by competing in those sanctioned events? His aim of competing in the 400-meter hurdles this season seems counterproductive to strengthening his dominance in the sport.
Congratulations, Ashton, on your incredible 2012: seven multievent personal bests (100, long jump, shot put, 110 hurdles, pole vault, javelin, and 1500), a third consecutive world record in the heptathlon (Indoor World Championship, Istanbul), a world record in the decathlon in your hometown under terrible weather conditions (US Championship, Eugene), and victory in the London Olympics.

I hope you make this season perfect by winning the IAAF Combined Challenge in Talence on September 15-16.
Thanks for the link to that great photo essay, Jseven1. It's the best on a decathlete in competition that I've ever seen: