Forum postsTotal 6 posts found, here are 3 latest posts:
Re: Hypomeeting 2012 Götzis
Posted: May 26, 2012
It is possible to bypass the austrian ip problem using a vpn client.
I tested the superbvpn with the vpn austrian server.
A 7 days subscription cost likely 2 €.
I'm using the ipad and he works fine.
It works also with windows and mac with the same account
After the payment you haves to wait 20 minutes to have the activation instructions.
Using the austrian VPN you haves a austrian ip.
Re: Hypomeeting 2011 Götzis
Posted: May 30, 2011
Please note that Hardee best 15,63 in the Shot Put was by standing position!!
In the other 2 attempts with the traditional glide techniques 15,31 and 14,80.

Re: Hypomeeting 2011 Götzis
Posted: May 20, 2011
Massimo Bertocchi (back pain) pull out of the Hypomeeting as a precaution.

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